Hi, I disabled GSM data and re enabled it, and no I don't have any indication about network type next to the signal bars (3G, H+, 4G...)
how to have it back ?
(09-20-2019, 07:59 PM)jeromebg Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, I disabled GSM data and re enabled it, and no I don't have any indication about network type next to the signal bars (3G, H+, 4G...)
how to have it back ?
Do you mean that the internet 3G/4G signal can not show on the screen? when it happened?
(09-23-2019, 07:43 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ] (09-20-2019, 07:59 PM)jeromebg Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, I disabled GSM data and re enabled it, and no I don't have any indication about network type next to the signal bars (3G, H+, 4G...)
how to have it back ?
Do you mean that the internet 3G/4G signal can not show on the screen? when it happened?
I have the bars for the signal strength but no more infos on the type of signal , 3G H+ or 4G is not displayed anymore...
It happened after disabling to 4G data and re enabled it.