Joying Technology Co., Ltd

Full Version: Suitable Auzoradio for Smart fortwo 451 2012
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I own a Smart fortwo 451 from 2012.

Can you tell me which Din 2 Joying car radio would fit, expandable to DAB +?

I currently have an original Smart fortwo 451 Din2 car radio installed. Do I have to buy a radio bezel to go with it?

[Image: attachment_119_542a6fed2c6b1_smart-bosch-navi.jpg]
(02-27-2021, 07:16 PM) Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
I own a Smart fortwo 451 from 2012.

Can you tell me which Din 2 Joying car radio would fit, expandable to DAB +?

I currently have an original Smart fortwo 451 Din2 car radio installed. Do I have to buy a radio bezel to go with it?

[Image: attachment_119_542a6fed2c6b1_smart-bosch-navi.jpg]

Here please check: